Our Commitments
- We recognize corruption as the abuse of authority and bribery as the giving or receiving of anything of value to improperly influence a business decision or government action and we will always pro-actively work against any corrupt business practices
- We have zero tolerance for any form of bribery or corruption in our business dealings and expect the same standards from our business partners
- We perform the necessary compliance due diligence on our business partners to support our zero-tolerance position
- We do not tolerate suppliers, customers or other business partners offering bribes related to our business and we will take action if such activities are discovered
- We recognize gifts, entertainment, sponsorships and donations can carry bribery risks and we follow our Standards and relevant guidance to manage these risks
- We never allow commercial pressure to weaken our zero tolerance for bribery and corruption
Your Role
- Do not offer or accept anything of value to improperly influence a business decision or government action – this is bribery anywhere in the world
- Follow our Gifts & Hospitality Handbook and our Anti-Corruption Standard
- Ask your manager, Legal or the Compliance team if you have any questions
- Take extra care when working with any kind of Government Officials, and if in doubt pause and speak with a member of the Legal team
- Know that common local practices are never an excuse for corrupt business practices – always follow our zero-tolerance commitment