Our Commitments
- We recognize “inside information” is information that could have a significant impact on a company’s share price if publicly disclosed. Examples include details on financial performance, new products, acquisitions and legal proceedings
- We will maintain our Insider Trading Policy to give guidance and safeguards for when and when not to deal in Autoliv shares or shares of our close business partners
Your Role
- Never buy or sell shares on the basis of inside information
- Check our Insider Trading Policy before dealing in Autoliv shares and check with a member of the Legal team if you have any doubts
- Be mindful of the four, routine periods when no employee may trade in Autoliv shares as set out in the Insider Trading Policy
- If you are unsure whether information is “inside” or “confidential” pause and check with your manager or a member of the Legal team
- Do not offer trading tips to friends or family based on inside information