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Deal Fairly & Compete Fairly



We thrive best in markets that are fair and open. Fair Competition Laws are being strengthened and enforced around the world. Breaching these rules can have serious consequences for companies and employees.

Our Commitments

  • We believe in fair and open markets and comply with all competition and antitrust laws applying to our business
  • We will only communicate truthfully and accurately about products and services; and gather market intelligence from legitimate sources
  • We will set our pricing with genuine independence based on our costs, market conditions and competitiveness
  • We never seek to co-ordinate with competitors, suppliers or distributors in ways that could unfairly limit competition in the market. This includes price arrangements, market or customer allocations or restricting supply

Your Role

  • Never share commercially sensitive information with competitors – including price strategies, bid arrangements, contractual terms or discount strategies
  • Do not get drawn into commercially sensitive discussions with competitors whether at a business or social event
  • Make it easy, always seek advice from the Legal team if you have any fair competition questions or concerns; or before entering any of the following: product bundling, exclusive arrangements, refusal to supply, agreements with a competitor

Always Remember

Illegal anti-competitive agreements can be formed in writing, verbally or implied by staying silent when others agree a course of action.
