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Our Code and Key Behaviors

At Autoliv we want to leverage the ability of all colleagues by bringing them together in high performing teams, groups and functions. Our Key Behaviors help us to act with a common starting point, improving communication and keeping integrity at the heart of everything we do.

You can find more details about our Key Behaviors here:

Key Behaviors LifeNet page (Autoliv internal access only) 


Enabling our Code


Take ownership

Take ownership

It starts with me

• I raise my hand when I detect a problem
• We treat each other fairly and with respect
• We show consistency between words and actions
• We play fair and by the rules
Add value

Add value

I make sure value is delivered to my customers

• We care for the end result
• We consider the whole chain End-To-End


I demonstrate collaboration by seeking and giving support

• We ask who can help and who can I help
• We share good and bad
• We seek and give feedback regularly
Make it easy

Make it easy

I keep it focused and simple

• We clarify expectations • We share purpose and context
• We think ahead to prevent issues

Be curious

Be curious

I explore better ways to do things

• We ask questions to understand others
• We eliminate the real root cause through robust
problem solving
• We seek best practice and innovative ways to

Flexible Working

While most of us are developing and creating our life-saving products in our plants, tech centers and offices; technology and social change are impacting many aspects of how and where we work.

Wherever you are working for Autoliv, always remember that your commitments to following our Code and Key Behaviors remain the same.

Whether you are working remotely or interacting with colleagues who work remotely stay alert to working with respect for each other and building a spirit of inclusion.

We must also stay vigilant to our confidentiality obligations and all necessary IT Security controls when working from home (or any off-site location).
